Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ritalin is Like Cocaine :: Drugs Addiction Essays

What is Ritalin? Ritalin, or methylphenidate, is a stimulant derived from the same family as cocaine. Manufactured by the Ciba-Geigy Corporation, a division of Novartis, Ritalin sales have increased by 700% since 1990. The United States market accounts for over 90% of the sales (Breggin, 1998). Ritalin is dispersed in pill form in varying amounts, either for short or long effects; the short-term form lasts 3-5 hours while the long-term form may last 6-8 hours. (SR) Ritalin is the slow release form that lasts longer. Ritalin, like other stimulant medications, works by increasing the production of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and norepinephrine, in the brain. (Reif, 1998) Who uses Ritalin? Doctors generally prescribe Ritalin as their first choice in treating ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Approximately 3-5% of children in the world have ADHD, of those, about 4 million take Ritalin (Breggin, 1998). It is thought that ADHD may occur from low levels of dopamine and epinephrine in the brain; although that is a highly controversial topic, it makes Ritalin an obvious treatment. ( What is ADHD? Many psychologists regard ADHD as a state deficit, where children are highly aroused to compensate for the body’s feeling of under arousal. (Kerns, Eso, Thomson, 1999) Three main features of ADHD are 1.Impulsivity, the children often act before they consider consequences 2.Hyperactivity, the children struggle to sit still 3.Inattentiveness, the children have difficulty focusing on a subject because of the overload of stimuli in the environment. Research may indicate that ADHD has biological origins and set symptoms, such as fidgeting, excessive talking, difficulty maintaining concentration, impulsive behavior, lack of focus and messiness. ( According to the Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology, in a recent conference held by the NIMH, National Institute of Mental Health, the validity of the diagnosis of ADHD was held in question. ( The cause of ADHD is unknown as of yet, and speculation is all psychologists have to diagnose and treat patients. The DSM-IV has categorized ADHD by the three dimensions listed above and included 18 symptoms under the three categories, which include some listed above. ADHD has undergone significant renaming and evaluation since the last publication of the Diagnostic Statistic Manual. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity, was referred to as ADD or sometimes ADD-H, Attention Deficit Disorder with hyperactivity. ( Who Advocates Ritalin? Teachers, parents and doctors continue to advocate Ritalin despite the claims made by antagonists of the stimulant treatment.

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