Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Religion and Faith Essay - 796 Words

Religion/Faith nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Over the last several decades America has been evolving towards many significant changes. One of these changes has posed a question, whether or not America has become secular. Although we may be uncertain of many of these changes and how they will affect our future, the answer to our secularity is quite obvious. America has indeed become secular. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I think that in a society where being successful is everything, our religious beliefs tend to get lost in the quot;survival of the fittestquot; lifestyle that we lead everyday. Of course we all have certain standards in which we believe and live by. A good example of the standard behavior that makes us†¦show more content†¦We know what we have overcome to be where we are today, and we know what we want to plan for our future. As quoted in Herbergs essay, quot;The things that make us proud to be Americans are of the soul and of the spirit.quot; That quote said by Mr. Eisenhower exemplifies an American religion, or standard by which we look for guidance and reassurance.And it is not something we should be ashamed of. Our country has survived more that other countries can only dream of. So many have suffered for the well being of our country. It is what makes us America. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;To me it would seem that religion has become a thing of the past. It seems as though in the past more people than not saw their religion to be very important to them, it consumed their daily life.Now-a-days it seems that the religious way of life is left behind when mass lets out. So why are parents still insisting on that one hour mass every week? I think its because people are confusing religion with tradition. You arent religious because you are born with Catholic parents. You cant be forced into religion. It takes a certain amount of faith to be religious. And then in turn your faith is the dedication that brings you to church each week or to saying grace before each meal. I dont believe that whether or not youre religious is a prerequisite to being a good person. Which raises a good question, quot;Do kidsShow MoreRelatedThe Value Of Faith And Religion1479 Words   |  6 PagesEnglish II February 10, 2017 The Value of Faith and Religion We often take advantage of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution that states that we have the right to practice any religion we desire. It is a civil right many people do not appreciate nearly enough. We do not realize that people in other countries do not have this privilege. In other countries, innocent people are being persecuted, killed, and tortured because of their religion and their religious practices. The most notableRead MoreReligion Is The Idea Of Faith1530 Words   |  7 PagesReligion is universal in our society. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

The Good Man Based on Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics Essay

The Good Man Based on Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics Plato believed that a man could only become good by knowing the truth, and he could not know the truth without being good. This shows to be somewhat of a paradoxical argument. On the other hand, Aristotle had a different theory regarding the goodness of man. Aristotle claimed that the good man was the norm and the measure of ethical truth. Pertaining to Aristotles definitions, in this essay I will explain the meaning of the previous statement. I will then critique it from an internal view and contrast that by critiquing it from an external view. As ethics has developed and changed over the years, Aristotles concept of the good man can be altered to fit our modern society.†¦show more content†¦Yet there is no single science of good food, good people, good friendship, etc. Aristotle concludes that there is no universal good. Aristotle must now fashion his own interpretation of what he calls the highest good. The highest good is ultimately the aim of all actions. Wha t is best appears to be something complete (1097a29) and this must be self-sufficient in that, nothing can make it better. Of this sort happiness seems most to be. (1097b) The next content to be discussed is the function of man. Aristotle tells us that our function is to live, and to do what we do humanly. We are to live in understanding and insight. We have reason, we act and we dont react. All fashions of human nature have to be lived thoughtfully from within. One is accountable and must act for ones own reasons and not anothers. In essence, the function of man is to live ethically. The third content of Aristotles statement is ethics. However to be more specific, Ill discuss what is ethically good. Living ethically good is contributing to the concept of happiness noted above. Ethics is not concerned with judging others. It is integrative rather than disintegrative. We act humanly, rather than tell and judge others on how they act. Thus ethics involves analyzing ones o wn inner landscape in the ongoing determination of what is right and wrong. The final subject to discuss regarding Aristotles statement is ethical truth. Ethics has alreadyShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Happiness . â€Å"Happiness Is The Meaning And The1326 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence† (Aristotle). In ethics, we study the place of morality in a social construct, where happiness is the core of ethical concern. Happiness for the individual, happiness for the majority, happiness for nature. What is the key to a happy life? Aristotle believes the key is eudaimonia, or a state of having a good soul or being in a contented state of being healthy, happy, and prosperous. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Video Report for Journal of Hospital Infection - MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theVideo Report for Journal of Hospital Infection. Answer: IV Priming is required in replacing the fluids, preventing nutritional imbalances and in providing IV medication theory (Van Der Eijk et al. 2014). The video explains the process of Priming IV line and IV therapy but neglects the privacy concerns. Maintaining privacy is an essential part of making videos. The videos must hide the identity of the patients in order to ensure privacy. However, the video did not maintain privacy that might lead to discomfort or conflicts. Another mistake in the video was that the five moments for hand hygiene was not maintained. The five moments for hand hygiene includes washing hands before touching the patients, before the cleaning procedure, after touching patients body fluid, after touching the patient and after touching the surroundings of the patient. These approaches were not taken into consideration in the entire video. These five moments of hand hygiene are an essential part of the work of the health care workers (Gould et al. 2017). Ignorance of any one aspect of the hand hygiene might lead to unwanted consequences for both the patient and the health worker. Maintaining hand hygiene is an essential practice that relates to the administration of medical care that helps in preventing or minimizing the spreading of diseases. The major purpose of maintaining hand hygiene is to remove pathogens and chemicals from the hands that might harm the patient as well as the health worker (Rai et al. 2017). Another major mistake in the video was that it did not mention air embolism although it was ensured that the line is free from air. Air embolism refers to the situation when air bubbles enter the blood vessels that block the supply of blood in the veins (McCarthy et al. 2017). Air embolism often leads to death of the patients as it can cause heart attacks, respiratory failures and stroke. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent air embolism while inserting the syringe or IV. Proper training is required to be given to the health workers and doctors in order to avoid the entrance of air bubbles in the veins of the patients during medical procedures (Alisantoso et al. 2015). Ignoring this aspect might risk the health of the patients. However, the video neglects the critical aspect of air embolism that might provide wrong knowledge to the viewers regarding Priming IV line and IV therapy. Lastly, the information regarding heart diseases and kidney failures were not asked in the video. It is necessary to ask the patients regarding any heart or kidney problems they have suffered from in the past. In order to ensure safety of the patients, it becomes necessary to know their medical background. Improper medication might further deteriorate the medical condition of the patients (Sherwin et al. 2014). Therefore, the health workers must obtain proper knowledge of the medical background of the patients in order to ensure that they provide proper medication to the patients. However, the video neglects this concern that might provide wrong information to the viewers. Any wrong information provided to the users might risk the health of the patients. References: Alisantoso, D., Cheng, K.J. and Neo, K., Becton, Dickinson, 2015.IV drip chamber with filter and bottom reservoir. U.S. Patent 8,974,414. Gould, D.J., Creedon, S., Jeanes, A., Drey, N.S., Chudleigh, J. and Moralejo, D., 2017. Impact of observing hand hygiene in practice and research: a methodological reconsideration.Journal of Hospital Infection,95(2), pp.169-174. McCarthy, C.J., Behravesh, S., Naidu, S.G. and Oklu, R., 2017. Air embolism: diagnosis, clinical management and outcomes.Diagnostics,7(1), p.5. Rai, H., Knighton, S., Zabarsky, T.F. and Donskey, C.J., 2017. A randomized trial to determine the impact of a 5 moments for patient hand hygiene educational intervention on patient hand hygiene.American journal of infection control,45(5), pp.551-553. Sherwin, C.M., Medlicott, N.J., Reith, D.M. and Broadbent, R.S., 2014. Intravenous drug delivery in neonates: lessons learnt.Archives of disease in childhood, pp.archdischild-2013. Van Der Eijk, A.C., Van Der Plas, A.J., Van Der Palen, C.J.N.M., Dankelman, J. and Smit, B.J., 2014. In vitro measurement of flow rate variability in neonatal IV therapy with and without the use of check valves.Journal of neonatal-perinatal medicine,7(1), pp.55-64.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Music Censorship Essays - Censorship, , Term Papers

Music Censorship Censorship in music is a topic that has brought about much controversy in the past two decades. There have been many different arguments on the topic, however the question still remains as if it should be censored or it should not be censored. Before you can form an opinion on this, you must hear both sides of the argument on this much-debated topic. Some people believe that music should be censored so all audiences can hear it without it containing any controversial lyrics. Others believe it should not be censored and musical artists should be able to speak, sing, rap, or rhyme freely without anyone censoring them. Religious or moral beliefs have a great influence on how a person feels about censorship, and as generations pass on the common beliefs on it may change. Right now, America is more uncensored than ever. However, things were very different a few generations ago . Some people believe music should be censored. They believe some of the language musical artists use is vulgar, obscene, and crude. Also the fact that music is played on medias such as radio and television, which are free to listen to by all audiences, and there are many parents that wish for their kids not to hear foul language. On radio and television any controversial language is either silenced, edited out by a soft sound, or some artists make two versions of their songs; one that is made for the artist's album, which is uncensored; and one for televsion and radio with any controversial words change to be acceptable for all audiences. This does not include cable television, which can be audited by parents since the parents must order and pay for the channel to be viewed. Preventing or punishing speech?is a clear violation of the First Amendment. When you really think about it, it is a violation of the First Amendment, which says: Congress shall make no law? abridging the freedom of speech or of the press. The First Amendment guarantees the right to freedom of speech, and censorship is violating peoples' rights to say whatever they want to say. It is sometimes difficult to understand when a child gets punished for using foul language meanwhile the child's parents have the right to criticize and petition the government whenever they feel the need to do so. Many musical artists feel that when they are forced to change lyrics their rights are being violated. In some artists' songs they like to express their feelings towards somebody or something, and it hurts them to be censored because the new words implemented are not from his or her heart. They feel that they are being held down. Due to the amendment made by our founding fathers I do not believe there will ever be an answer to the question whether or not music should be censored. The way I see it, it should not be censored. Many children often hear explicit language from older siblings or parents at an early age. They believe that since someone they look up to uses those words, they should too. Eventually, everyone will be exposed to language they do not find acceptable. Foul language is not permitted on medias such as television or radio because it is an all audience media. However, on albums the artist is allowed to use any words he or she sees fit. The question, of course, is, who should decide what you read or view- the church, the state?or you? In my opinion, the answer to that question is: you. Censorship on television channels such as Nickelodeon ?, or PBS ? is understandable due to the fact that mostly young children programming is broadcasted on those stations. However I find it unnecessary to censor stations generally viewed by older audiences. It is now a requirement by law for record companies to put stickers on tapes and compact discs that say: Parental Advisory. Explicit Lyrics. The reason that law was passed was because many angry mothers and fathers sued artists and/or record companies for releasing albums that contained explicit lyrics, and now their child goes and repeats their newly learned words to people such as their teachers, principals, and other friends who then spread word around to their parents. I would tend to believe that many of those parents used those same bad words in front of their children at one time or another. They probably did not say it to their face,