Monday, December 16, 2019

The Good Man Based on Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics Essay

The Good Man Based on Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics Plato believed that a man could only become good by knowing the truth, and he could not know the truth without being good. This shows to be somewhat of a paradoxical argument. On the other hand, Aristotle had a different theory regarding the goodness of man. Aristotle claimed that the good man was the norm and the measure of ethical truth. Pertaining to Aristotles definitions, in this essay I will explain the meaning of the previous statement. I will then critique it from an internal view and contrast that by critiquing it from an external view. As ethics has developed and changed over the years, Aristotles concept of the good man can be altered to fit our modern society.†¦show more content†¦Yet there is no single science of good food, good people, good friendship, etc. Aristotle concludes that there is no universal good. Aristotle must now fashion his own interpretation of what he calls the highest good. The highest good is ultimately the aim of all actions. Wha t is best appears to be something complete (1097a29) and this must be self-sufficient in that, nothing can make it better. Of this sort happiness seems most to be. (1097b) The next content to be discussed is the function of man. Aristotle tells us that our function is to live, and to do what we do humanly. We are to live in understanding and insight. We have reason, we act and we dont react. All fashions of human nature have to be lived thoughtfully from within. One is accountable and must act for ones own reasons and not anothers. In essence, the function of man is to live ethically. The third content of Aristotles statement is ethics. However to be more specific, Ill discuss what is ethically good. Living ethically good is contributing to the concept of happiness noted above. Ethics is not concerned with judging others. It is integrative rather than disintegrative. We act humanly, rather than tell and judge others on how they act. Thus ethics involves analyzing ones o wn inner landscape in the ongoing determination of what is right and wrong. The final subject to discuss regarding Aristotles statement is ethical truth. Ethics has alreadyShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Happiness . â€Å"Happiness Is The Meaning And The1326 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence† (Aristotle). In ethics, we study the place of morality in a social construct, where happiness is the core of ethical concern. Happiness for the individual, happiness for the majority, happiness for nature. What is the key to a happy life? Aristotle believes the key is eudaimonia, or a state of having a good soul or being in a contented state of being healthy, happy, and prosperous. 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