Friday, September 6, 2019

Comparing Caste Systems Essay Example for Free

Comparing Caste Systems Essay Compare the caste system to other systems of social inequality devised by early and classical civilizations, including slavery. †¢ A Patriarchy is a society in which the role of men is placed above the role of women. -The post classical era had many patriarchal societies, because of the changes of the roles of men and women. -Patriarchal societies include: China, Egypt, Mesopotomia, and India. -In China, the men had public authority. But, during the Shang Dynasty, women started to gain some rights. -In Egypt, the men had the authority over the public. Egypt’s society was not as bad as some were, though. Women still had many rights. Example: Queen Hatshepsut. -In Mesopotamia, Hammurabi’s Law Code gave men a higher status than women. The men decided the jobs that each family member did and arranged the marriages. The women still had power and were able to influence the kings and people with important power. -In India, The Lawbook of Manu said that women should be treated with respect and honor. But, they were still controlled by either their fathers or husbands. Their main role in society was to have children and maintain the household. †¢ The Caste System was based on the ideals of Varnas that brought their patriarchal system of life to India. -The Caste System and Hinduism go hand in hand. -In this system, women were below men, but there were also groups. -Classes: Brahmin-priests and scholars Kshatriyas-warriors and ruling class Vaishayas-farmers and businessmen Shudras-servants Untouchables-not even represented -The class you were born in was the class you stayed in for your entire life. -The priests and warriors had a more unstable life than the workers and merchants did. -The Sutte went along with the ideals of the Caste System. It said that when a ruler died, his wife must die too. Also, as the views of women changed, it went better along with those new views. †¢ Religious Inequalities: -Priests were at a higher authority and standing in society, because their job was the most important. -Many religions used a social hierarchy to organize their community and hold people to a code of conduct and activity. -Examples: Hinduism, Confucianism, Mandate of Heaven, and Pharaohs. †¢ Political Inequalties: -Many classical societies developed inequalities due to political and/or governmental divisions of society. -Politics defined the roles and status of classical civilizations. -These were stemmed from the rise of a government and stratification based on government. -Social mobility existed, because one could improve their wealth or education. -More opposition, because people felt more repressed by the government. -Examples: Rome, Egypt, and Japan †¢ Slavery: -Slavery was not very popular during this time period; however it was used by the river based societies because they were agriculturally developed. -Slaves were used on farms, because farms required a lot of labor, and slaves were cheap or free. -Slaves had no freedom and had no respect. -Slaves were in the worst and lowest class. -Civilizations that used slavery were: Rome, Egypt, China, India (untouchables), and a small part of Africa. †¢ Economic Inequality: -Many classical societies used economic status as a means of placing people into classes. -Class distinction was based upon accumulation of wealth and monopoly on agricultural or specialized production. -Jobs were another form of societal groupings. -Examples: India, China, Egypt, Japan, and Mesopotamia

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