Saturday, September 7, 2019

Sense and sensibility on the major characters Research Paper

Sense and sensibility on the major characters - Research Paper Example Marianne outspoken and unrestrictive while Elinor is otherwise. Austen disapproves sensibility and shows regard for sense. Elinor does counseling and decision making. Elinor’s love is concealed. Marianne makes mistakes. Marianne’s love is expressed. Marianne sees no attraction in Edward and ignores Colonel Brandon. Willoughby appears as a hero to Marianne. She realizes that she herself was responsible for her dilemma. Edward is a principled man. Willoughby’s real personality comes to forefront when he maliciously makes fun of Colonel Brandon. He was a flirt and devious person. Marianne and Willoughby demonstrate the theme of sensibility through their love bondage. The love bondage between Elinor and Edward demonstrates the theme of sense. Conclusion Elinor succeeds because of using sense. Marianne fails and learns to use sense in place of sensibility to be successful. Realizing her fault, she marries her true partner, Colonel Brandon. Sense has an edge over sensi bility. Effects of Sense and Sensibility on Major characters Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen portrays a number of characters that shape the story of the novel. The characters in Austen’s work describe life and journeying through the course of life with the help of sense and sensibility. Austen draws a line between ‘sense’ and ‘sensibility’. According to Austen, these terms are different from one another. In the novel, the character of Elinor, who is also the protagonist of the work, shows sense while Marianne’s character shows sensibility. Elinor and Marianne are sisters, but have different personalities. The major characters of the work are Elinor Dashwood, Marianne Dashwood, Edward Ferrars and John Willoughby. Other characters of the story circulate and help these characters to develop and get to a certain destination. Austen describes sense as rationality, reasoning and responsibility while sensibility as expressive, emotional, impetuo sity and passion. Elinor is successful based on her sense while Marianne falls short because of her sensibility. Sense and Sensibility draws a clear distinctive line between sense and sensibility with the support of two major characters of the novel that are Elinor Dashwood and Marianne Dashwood. Elinor is older than Marianne and stands for sense because of her qualities such as reasoning, self-control, accountability towards family and society and consideration of others’ betterment. However, Marianne stands for sensibility because of her qualities such as emotionalism, naturalness, outspokenness, impetuously and unnecessary expressiveness (Armstrong 53). Elinor loves Edward, but keeps her feelings concealed, and makes use of rationality while Marianne outspokenly and unrestrictive makes known about her feelings about Willoughby. The difference between their personalities is portrayed through their behaviors towards the men they love. However, this cannot be said that Elinor using sense never shows passion and Elinor using sensibility never talks intelligent. Elinor is passionate in her love, but her style is diverged from Marianne. Austen being against the sensibility of eighteenth century points towards the importance of sense in her novel. From Elinor’s success, she proves that sense is not a negligible characteristic while she disapproves sensibility by showing the failure in Marianne’s relationship to Willoughby (Lauber 21). In her portrayal of Elinor, she draws a picture of a woman who is able to succeed being restrictive and

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