Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Reading Journal Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading Journal - Coursework Example the chapters (Chapter 13) in the book it has been told that the early 17th and mid 20th centuries have been very favorable for Europe as it has dominated majority of the world (Kagan, Ozment and Turner 322). The entire European rule has been discussed in a detailed and effective manner through which I have been able to learn a lot about what exactly happened during these centuries and how United Kingdom, France, Austria, United Provinces of Netherlands etc. used to rule other parts of Europe. It has been possible through the readings that I learnt about the condition of France after Louis XIV (Kagan, Ozment and Turner 334). Previously, I was not very well aware of the Ptolemaic System and the Cultures during the 16th and 17th Century, however, after reading chapter 14 I was quite informed about the system, norms and cultures (Kagan, Ozment and Turner 349). Although I do not know anything about the system and the culture as I have not lived in it but it was due to the excess of information and the detailed sub-parts that I am able to understand scientific societies and how their systems actually worked (Kagan, Ozment and Turner 355). Economy is also an important aspect of any society or country. Since, Europe has a dominating role during the 18th century therefore its economy must have been strong and stable. From the Varieties of Aristocratic Privileges to French Nobility and Family structures and Family economy, all have been discussed in this chapter and has helped me in improving my knowledge regarding the subject (Kagan, Ozment and Turner 373). Similarly, the second chapter â€Å"‘I am the State’: The Development of Absolutism in England and France† has equally helped me expanding my knowledge regarding the development of Absolutism in the two countries (Rogers 25). Furthermore, subjects like Scientific Revolution have never been of such interest. This is due to the fact that author has successfully elaborated each and every detail in the book along

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