Friday, October 18, 2019

Various Aspects of Life of the Oromo People Research Paper

Various Aspects of Life of the Oromo People - Research Paper Example However, as distinguishing factors, African communities have different cultural practices and beliefs. According to Freund2, societal beliefs and practices, which define each community, are used to distinguish various African communities. Traditional practices and beliefs are, thus, used to describe each ethnic community. Inhabitation of various parts of Africa mainly depended on geographical factors, such as accessibility, topography, and nature of a place at different weather conditions. Even though each African community was and is still distinguishable from other communities, certain issues, nevertheless, brought the communities together. Examples of the factors include economic, social, and religious accords among various communities. According to Freund3, most African communities have not only settled in Africa, but also inhabit other continents. Example of such communities is the Oromo people. The community has the highest population in Africa and considerable numbers in Ameri ca and Saudi Arabia. Therefore, while discussing the community, focus is directed to Africa. This paper explores the Oromo community. Background of the Community The name â€Å"Oromo† means â€Å"the powerful.† Triulzi4 informs that several suggestions attempt to explain origin of the name. One postulate argues that the name is associated with the river Oromiffa. Levine (Greater Ethiopia, 45) also claims that the name was coined from â€Å"qaala laa† an Arabic word. Galla is another name used to refer to the community. The term â€Å"Galla† is used mostly by Amhara to refer the community. Abyssinians, on the other hand, use derogatory characteristics to describe the group5. The offensive names, which include â€Å"pagan,† â€Å"slave,† â€Å"uncivilized,† or uncultured, are meant to generate inferiority complex within the community. Members of the community, however, insisted on the name â€Å"Oromo† because it described the st rength or self-defense of the community. Oromo community is a member of Cushitic-speaking individuals. The native language of the community is Oromo. The language is part of an Afro-Asiatic language family. The community is estimated to have a population of 30 million members. In Africa, the community is largely found in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia. In Ethiopia, census carried in 2007 revealed that 34.49 percent of the entire population of the country was Oromoota. Records indicate that the Oromo occupy eastern and north-eastern Africa. Migration and Demographic Information Mohammed6 asserts that Oromo community is an ancient group in Africa. The author claims that physical features, language, culture, and various other aspects of life conform to traditions of African societies, with slight variations. Ethiopia, which is the main settlement region for the community, has an approximate of 74 ethnically diverse language groups7. Because population of the country is majorly the Oromo, individuals of the community significantly contribute to development of the country in various capacities. Based on the report published by United Nations Population Fund, about 95 % are settled agriculturalists.

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